Wednesday, September 30, 2009

mod of the day

hey hey guys sammy boy here i am gonna give you the awsomest mod evr he is also known as the thing shower of chobot and he got a bagde of mod he is


there was a very unknown mod i dont know if he actually was a mod but some just made a ship flying saying v! lol thats starange
Hikikomori and jessie2000 came to the party

This was the first mod magic it may not seem like it but hiki made everyone no clothes so if u were wearing clothes u wouldnt of been cause the magic

2nd mod magic at the party:)

3rd mod madic:)

4th mod magic:)

5th mod magic at the party:)

banana backpack rain

the jacket rain

the old half jacket rain

this is a space ship saying shh LOL:)

this is some citizen hair

Another space ship that says that because when she rained we ran

bass guitar rain there was 2

it was awesome there was heaps of people and we had a lot of rain
me and samrat4 my friend in our best clothes

samrat4s house with me and him in it smiling

the end of samrat4s poll done HIKIKOMORI won smarat4 should have(just my opinion)

this is my house and wardrobe and me and samrat4 smiling

coool new robot

hey guys sammy here [nicer name sammy]lol

but guys check this out cool newrobot that is so super cool and it should be shown by canab to us hop eso lets check it out

mod of the day

kk guys todays mod is the one who comes only a few times on chobots and always comes with lots of surprizes and here is he


swfty super art

amazing art

hey guys samrat here today i will show you swifty on bridges projest that drwing looked superb go and acheck it out but you can coz it is rubeed lol some bad pink power rubeed it kk meet you soon

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Update..

Hi guys it's Sarahd11 here with some good news for Citizens,

There is a new costume at the shop only for Citizens for 1200 bugs.


my new feinds

hey guys i got some cool gr8 authors for my blog on is lendso2 and other sarahd11 so guys lets make them have a lot of fun with this awsome blog called cool yo
these pics are of lendso2 ,me,sarahd11

two new headers

i made two new headers i hope you like coz coz i my self didnt like it lol so check tyhem out

mod of the day

todays mod is

my favourite you favourite all of ours favourite hikikomori yeah lets check her pic out


new wardrobes

i am here to show you super mans wardrobes where he has lots and lots of stuff that consists of t shirts and tshirts and tshirts really he is a tshirt freak here he is


hey samrat for sarahd11 he doesnt have to post logged into ur account he doesnt need to know ur email and pass neither did I(btw i only just found out i didnt no earlier)

you just have to go to settings-permissions-add author-type his email

he just has to accept it and he can post on ur blog logged onto his account not urs and it says posted by sarahd11 or watever his account name is and not posted by samrat4 its much easier

thats y it says posted by lendso not samrat4 (i did all that myself by the way so i dont go on ur account anymore)


Hi guys this is Sarahd11 here,
I am a new author of this blog so i hope you enjoy the posts and things i put on this blog.


Monday, September 28, 2009


i am now an official author on the blog

Hello chobots!

They're starting an Earth Research contest! They've prepared some interesting topics for you! :)
The first topic is The Fastest Birds!

The second topic is The Most Famous Bridges!

You have one week to post your replies!
Post your replies on the forum!!!
The winners get V-Flags and bugs :)

i was first to post answers on the forum for both!!!!:


chess contest begins

there is a chess contest now so have fun and play chess and try to win



hey guys as you knwo i have a new authour called lendso2 but i will cal him lends so guys check it out thathe doesnt do post anything bad if he does reply me

and i for got i am here to show you some wardrobes here they are


hi everyone im samrat4's friend and now i post sometimes here now

this is lendso2


Sunday, September 27, 2009

mod of the day

todays mod is the one who still plays and he is
sry i edited thid pic

smiley falg

hey guys whats up did you check that out i saw a smiley flag vayerman gave it to plutonio and he showed it off lol so guys here it is


sry lends dude please ia m sos o sorry that really strange i did that so sorry kk and thanks for giving me another chance

amazing art

i am here to show some amazing art to you here it is

lendso2 header

here is your header lendso i know you are really excited about it but calm down dude TELL HOW IS IT now [please dont say some thing bad and do advertise my blog

new wardrobes

today the heading is new wardrobes coz i an just posting the people whos wardrobes are completly new from the last post here they are

mod of the day

i have started a new thing that is mod of the day and will tell you about the early mods here they are

todays mod is

Friday, September 25, 2009

new headers

so soon i made some cool new headers here thay are and user dont for get your promise

101 post

hello guys today i am here to tell you about my latest achievment that is 101 post and i am so glad to announce that i have started making heades too yeaahhh..!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

amazing art

hello guys i am here to show you some aof the amazng art on the blog of smurfet and here they are

my new headers

i am here tyo show you some of the new headers ai made here they are and please if you wannna make me popular please try to message othere peeps about it

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


hello bube is soo cool here they are and he got his blog name on the ofiicial blog list congrats to him here is it

new updates

i found the latest updates that is aboy suit and a girl wig the girl wig is better i think it should be 4 non citizens tyo here they are


vayerman was online and obviously i love it he is to cool he rains a lot and always nnever reports anyone and is very good i got some gr8 pics to here they are please please check it out